30 Texting Games — Best Games to Play Over Text

best iphone games to play with gf

best iphone games to play with gf - win

[25 M] Last Night I faced my addiction head on, I Nuked deleted my Backups to my Backups. 15 throwaway emails containing 120GB of photos, formatted a 12TB drive that I had been adding on too as my mothership since 2012, 890K pictures 6,800+ hours of videos eliminated once and for all.

This was by far the hardest thing I have ever done in my life, but deep down I knew if I continued down this route I would remain in this rabbit hole for the rest of my life.
Ever since I was a young child I was always a collector weather it was Pokemon Cards or collecting those Happy Meal toys you’d get from McDonald’s I have always had a drive for collection. My innocence became shortly corrupted in 2007 I was 12 years old and I had stayed over my friends house they had this direct tv box that showcased every channel and one night we were skipping through the channels we found one of those porn channels right. So we laughed it off seeing these women pee on each other and you know typical potty humor was funny back in the day.
However I had never witness such a thing and so when my friend went back to sleep I was curious and wanted to watch more so I put on the tv and watched hours of these Porn movies that’s when I first discovered Porn...
it wasn’t until I was 13 that I stared to diddle with my pickle and I’d think to my self that this was normal after learning about sex and masturbation in middle school health class.
One thing lead to the next and iPhone technology was just rolling in my dad was working as a marketing manager for Apple so he had bought smart phones for the whole family and I was blown away by the technology I had a 16GB smart phone all my friends always wanted to use my phone to play doodle jump, jelly car or Angry Birds that game is still bomb.
It was that summer that I went down the rabbit hole I kept loading my phone with Porn that year and year after year. I used to upload my porn in this old dell laptop I had laying around, fast forward to 2011 the 4S had come out my dad still was working for Apple and once again free phones for the family came through and that was a game changer going from 16GB to 64GB my addiction kept growing deeper and deeper likewise many of us that had gone through the levels of Porn starting from vanilla and moving onto lesbian or even hentai I was always the collector and this addiction built on to me making a whole damn library categorized by everything I would watch.
So then, I would keep building this I had a gf when I was 15 but pushed her off because Porn was more important to me since then I had been jerking it for 2-4 hours each day and more on the weekends and I just kept building on this tower of data...I eventually got a job at Apple and yes dad had still kept his job there but moved to a different state to work corporate stuff, I kinda sucked as he would be the person to motivate me to get up and do something but he was gone the majority of my time in high school and my grades started to plummet my mom took my service away until my grades would improve yet she didn’t know the Porn was my problem and confronting such a thing to your parents is something I’d never do in my life.
I had no self control over it, I tried to leave it but I would only come back for more and I needed it to feel good I thought. This wasn’t the end fast forward to college I had been pursuing Digital Media Production learning how to edit and make videos ect. I had also gotten into the party scene at school making videos for sororities and fraternities and other school/sporting events I got a paid internship. I got into drinking and that became another addiction I dropped out of college 1 yr prior to graduating making money with fast gigs and working at an Apple store nearby. We renting out this big ass house with other roommates, these people were bum lazy only paid off their rent to smoke and have fun and there was no motivation in this household.
Things only became worse from there I had a lot of porn and well one of my roommates found it and he suggested google emails told me he had the same problems and instead of buying Storage I could use these throwaway emails to upload all my things and so I did and over the course of 3 years I made those 15 emails.
Eventually I left this lifestyle to go back to school in 2019 graduated fall 2019 and started working at a television station as an editor I really enjoyed. 2020 rolled along and with it came the pandemic 😷, I got laid off and my parents offered me to stay home until I can find a suitable job again.
Yet during this time since February I’ve been living my past again sucked into the rabbit hole day after day. Looking back at my old porn from my dell laptop, I’ve watched porn doing absolutely nothing with my life and for the past 9 months jerking off for 4-6 hours a day I continued to build on my porn drives I had 3x 4TB drives with an extensive collection of things every porn category imaginable and it’s reflected back to me I left that toxic lifestyle to only return back to it and so I said I’m done 2021 is just a few weeks from here and thought about it day after day debating if I should do this or not...over 10 years of data hoarding and I kept contemplating it saying maybe I’ll regret doing it and shortly after I got a phone call from one one of my old room mates saying if I was still doing video work and he had someone that wanted to do a contract from 70K a year.
I said ok lemme see what this is about that’s more than the television studio offer I got for 42K and he said yeah the dude wants to meet up for a few drinks and discuss it with you, I told my parents I may have found a potential job for like 70k my parents congratulate me and wished me the best, so I met up with my friend we drove to this Hi-rise condominium and they had a whole set here the set up was all too familiar to me the environment was telling me this was porn shoot and indeed it was. The producer said all I had to do was sign my name and for a whole year I’d be making 70K working for FTV Girls and working with other top Porn agencies , paid travel and location no renting equipment and a lot of amenities. I had a black mirrors moment if you have ever watched the bandersnatch movie. I could have said yes to the offer but I smiled and said No thanks, the guy gave me a confused look 🤷🏻‍♂️ thinking money was a problem he said “we really could use a talent editor like yourself you’re working you ass off making shit pay at a television studio” I told him starts always have a low pay and I walked out, mainly because it’s been my pitfall of all things and I’ve suffered enough with it ive wasted 13 years of my life to porn and it’s something that reflected back to my habits I came back home reformatted my drives deleted every email back up I had and went to the beach walked 5 miles and just had some long thoughts...I came back home and my dad found that I had been playing with these drives and I told him what was on there he already knew when I left for college and he said
“I’m proud of you for changing the course in your future and I know you’ll be ready to take on your greatest fears”.
That alone made me feel like you know he’s right I fear nothing and I’m in control and I will move forward...
submitted by Operation_NO_FAP_ to NoFap [link] [comments]

Pixel 5 is the best phone I have ever had hands down. I don't understand any of the hate that it got.

So I know there's been so many of these posts but I just wanted to be another voice to say that all these reviewers who are saying the pixel 5 is bad are looking at it from such weird angle.
I got my pixel 5 a few days ago to replace my OnePlus 6. My pixel has been hands down already a better experience. I know that the OnePlus 6 was one of their peak phones: super snappy, great screen for its price and awesome build quality - but the pixel 5 with its "worse" processor and un-flagship nature is 100% better.
I've been able to do everything that I could do on my OnePlus 6 just as, if not better, on my pixel. It's snappy, super smooth and looks even better playing games like real racing and PUBG compared to my 6 thanks to its 90hz and graphics. Even though the pixel has a "budget" processor it absolutely flies through tasks despite it being a little worse than the 845 my old phone had on paper.
Things that people have been complaining about like speakers, haptics or build seem to me as completely wrong. I love the way that the sound comes right at you through the screen like on those expensive Sony TV's. And the haptics are honestly up there with the typing experience on my GF's iPhone XS. I also love the playful sorta sage and the feel of it. It almost looks like it's made of felt or something when you look at it. With the built in positives of wireless charging and water proofing.
Battery life has also been stellar and the 5G speeds and reliability are absolutely awesome.
So, I honestly hate how much this phone copped from reviewers and users.
Yes it's different to the fully fledged, throw everything we have approach of previous pixels but I'm very happy with the lower processor but keeping everything else to give me a flagship phone for $999AUD compared to the $1250 or $1400 for other flagships. For me in Australia this has been cheaper than even a oneplus or s20 fe with a free nest hub max to sweeten the deal.
Nobody really uses their phone for demanding tasks and I reckon you'd be hard pressed to notice an improvement between the pixel 5 and other flagships like the S20. People seem to think that everyone needs the best processor for all the 4K editing and hardcore gaming they're going to be doing. Nobody actually cares, the difference between recent processors and performance have been so minimal you couldn't blindly tell the difference between a phone from 3 years ago vs today. 90hz or above is the new and only way to make a phone feel faster.
TL:DR the obsession of critics and reviewers that no price of tech is good unless it has the cutting edge features even if it's completely overkill has given this phone some very mixed reviews and receptions. Anyone who was to buy this one would be hard pressed to find a major flaw. It's got everything you need in a phone for a cheaper price.
submitted by tomtom792 to GooglePixel [link] [comments]

Being Frugal in NYC

NYC Frugal Tips

Manhattan NYC is very expensive. Although I make a fairly substantially large income from varying businesses, I am still VERY very frugal. It is a game to me. I can't help it, I enjoy it. Here's what I do, you are welcome to take my tips or even give me suggestions. I'm not counting in any business expenses.

RENT- This one I cannot avoid. I was "convinced and hoodwinked" by my previous girlfriend into getting a really nice apartment, only to break up a few months later and be stuck with this fat ass rent. I refuse to move out because I love this place so much. Solution? I eventually got a new girlfriend, we split the rent and a lot of the home expenses.
Coffee - Although I love coffee so much, I really just need the caffeine content. I'll either buy my own coffee grounds from amazon, or I'll take a caffeine/theanine capsule occasionally. If I really need the energy and productivity I'll take 100mg (a half) of Modafinil prescribed by my doctor for free. OCCASIONALLY, I'll get a $1 iced coffee from taco bell, they're the only ones that seem to have it this cheap haha. You wont EVER catch me at starbucks or Dunkin, F that what am I rich! haha. My bank Capital one usually has a coffee shop inside, where if you use your capital one debit card you get 50% off. I'll usually flash them my capital one debit for the 50% off, but use my chase sapphire reserve for the 3x points on it, double win.
Clothes - I love clothes as a guy. However I cannot get myself to spend on clothes because I already have clothes. They need to be really torn and tattered or holy for me to replace them. I'm embarrassed to say this, but I'll find great clothes of brands I like on ebay or poshmark, second hand. RARELY will I buy new or in person. I HATE paying retail for anything. My parents always insist on gifting me something for bday or xmas, I'll always suggest shoes and underwear. The other day I walked by a Levis store, my GF makes fun of me for always having a hole in the crotches of my pants, I don't know why but this happens to all my pants; anyway checked out some sales, they had 70% off PLUS an extra 20% off for signing up to their rewards card. Too good of a deal at 90% off, I bought some new good quality jeans and pants thatll last me for years.
Alcohol - I've been abstaining from alcohol here and there. Dry January has been extremely productive to me that it makes me never want to go back. I truly don't really miss it. Living in Manhattan, I live near hoboken NJ where there's a beer distributor. Once a month, Id buy a few 30 packs just to keep stocked at home at cheap prices. When I used to throw "parties", I used to buy cheap liquor and pour them into expensive bottles. I began doing this when I realized so many ungrateful people would come to my place, and drink my stuff dry. Well now ya get the cheap stuff ya freeloaders.
Going Out - Prepandemic. I LOVED going out. In manhattan, you have the best of the best in terms of bars clubs and restaurants. Expensive though. Solution? Be friends with bartenders and club promoters and club owners and managers. Pre-covid, Id hang out at this bar called Hidden Lane. My best friend was the head bartender, and my friends worked there as well. Id drink for free all night and so would whoever my date was, Id just tip the staff. Then, I'd go out to one of the clubs with my promoter friends. For those that don't understand this "promoter" term: Nightlife Clubs will literally pay a fat salary to these promoters to bring out beautiful girls and keep them at the "table" and the club would provide free bottles of vodka, tequila, beers, champagne, and even food sometimes. My promoter buddies would text me "hey man come out and help me tonight, so many girls at my table I can't entertain alone". As a single guy, this would be a no brainer, drink for free all night w/ my friends AND get to be around beautiful single women. Being in the city, Id citibike (bike share) to the club or bar, and uber or lyft back.
Food - I don't believe in going cheap when it comes to groceries because the food you eat is your HEALTH. With that said, Trader Joes is insanely cheap. There are only a few things I'll buy organic and buy lean meats, but everything else is for the most part cheap. I'll spend $50 a week, $100 a week for the 2 of us.
CAR - The beauty of living SMACK dab in the middle of Manhattan is not needing a car. I wont even take the subway. I literally citibike everywhere, my annual $160 a year membership is free because I participate in a program called Bike Angels, by inadvertently rebalancing bike stations, Id earn perks rewards and free membership. At the start of the pandemic, I bought myself a 15 year old little mini cooper so I can go on road trips and trips to the beach since things were closed. I paid $2200 for the car, another $1700 on maintenance and preventative maintenance, and $30 a month on insurance, and very little on gas since it's a 4-banger, I hardly use it, but Its there when I need a car as we love to escape the city.
Weed - I like to be very productive and weed doesn't allow that for me. However I occasionally hit my bowl or weed pen, just once or twice before a movie on a friday night. A gram will last me literally MONTHS.
Credit cards- My favorite topic! Credit cards can be a double edged sword. Use them wrecklessly and the 16-24% interest will murder you. Use them correctly, and they are your best friends.
I use the chase 'trifecta'-
Chase biz ink preferred for wifi bills, cell phone bill, shipping, social media ads and get back 3x points per $1.
Chase Sapphire Reserve (the main card)- for 3x on food , dining, transportation, drinks, parking, tolls, etc. I also get 10x on lyft, 15% off lyft, $60 a year on doordash, airport lounge access, and a bunch of other features, $300 travel credit a year, etc . It's a $450 a year card, but after crunching numbers not only does it come out to free, but the benefits greatly outweigh the costs.
Chase Freedom unlimited- on everything else not mentioned above at 1.5x per $1.
Chase Biz ink unlimited - on everything else business related.
Chase allows me to combine all these points together and if I use them through Sapphire Reserve's portal, they are worth 50% more! If you are even slicker you can transfer them to airline transfer partners and find even cheaper flights and better deals. This has allowed me to never have paid for a flight for me or my girlfriend in years, in probably like 6-7 years.
VERY IMPORTANT- I keep it on autopay, ALWAYS pay your balances off in full. NEVER ever pay interest. i always say id rather lose a finger than ever pay interest. I have autopay on a safety measure, I actually pay the balances off once a week usually on fridays and mondays , so I can watch my weekend damage, but also to keep my balance always at zero to keep any balance from being reported to credit bureau's. This keeps my credit score at 800+ which in turn allows me to get very cheap lending for business purposes.

TAXES - Another important topic. Without going into too much detail. I'm able to create LLCs and SCorps for my businesses and holdings, allowing myself to pretty much expense a good portion of my expenses. I even file as a loss in some cases for some businesses, according to my accountant's strategy. When I "trade up" properties , I avoid paying Capital Gains taxes by deffering into the new investment property , I also max out my IRA for a free tax savings. Taxes are a place where people spend the majority of their income. I have friends that make 300k a year, but really they make 150k a year due to their restrictions to play with tax loopholes as wage earners. Taxes suck.

Buy ONLY TO REPLACE- This is a little out of place after taxes but I am human and prone to sin and purchases, but I've taught myself to buy things ONLY to replace the current one I have. I want the new iphone (biz expense), ONLY if I trade in my current one. I want the new mac mini m1, again only if I sell my current one on ebay or marketplace, I want the new v11 vacuum but only if i sell my current v8, etc you get the point. This way the trade in value of the "older model item" goes towards paying of the new model item. I also get to live very minimal and own only what I need and no clutter.
Monthly Streaming Apps- Netflix is now $18 a month! F that, we use my girlfriends fathers account. HBOMax and Hulu I group share buy and pay $3 a month. Amazon Prime is the only one I buy annually at retail, I actually do use prime shopping and video though. Youtube is my most prized app. I learn so much from youtube that I need and deserve the ad-free premium. I refuse to pay $15 a month for youtube, so I'll use my sisters college email for a college discount of 50% off. I don't ever listen to music, but we use my girlfriends spotify app on all our echo devices.
Unrelated tip- your internet provider charges you for renting you your routemodem. It's usually $15-20 a month! Buy a compatible used routemodem on ebay for like $20, BAM $240 annual savings.
LIQUIDS- by this I mean shampoo, conditioner ,hand soap, body wash, dish soap, all purpose cleaner, windex, etc. I buy all these by the gallon on amazon. If you do the math it comes out to pennies per FL OZ. I keep them in nice dispensers instead of buying and replacing one time use store bought dispensers. Same for TP and paper towels. I buy in bulk- I try to get TP down to 33 cents a roll, and PT down to 82 cents a roll.

It's possible to live frugally and still enjoy life. I think one of the most important things is what you do with your free time. You can either sit around and waste time playing video games or whatever your vice is or you can teach yourself new skills constantly that can be useful and worth money in the real world. Money left over from savings goes into stock portfolio, ROTH IRA, index funds, investment properties, or reinvest in my businesses. Skills pay the Bills!
submitted by HumanChess111 to Frugal [link] [comments]

Part of my story: National rehab facilities; Phoenix Houses / MK ultra / Michael Aquino / NWO mind war / Gangstalking / The SS

We all know how much the SS loves their symbolism. It’s plastered all over the place. The T in Texaco the T in T-Mobile. The Symbolism is what DC was designed around. If you don’t know what I’m talking about you are in the wrong forum. It’s a simple fact. The secret societies CANNOT stop with their symbolism; it’s as if they don’t care or don’t have a choice.
Here are some links that simply communicate how important the Phoenix is to the SS and where it comes from. It comes from the book of the dead. Some say the Phoenix represents the devil. I think it’s Double or triple entendre but it all makes sense. At any rate it’s obvious this symbol is greatly respected and revered by the SS.
NWO connections: https://exposingbabylon.wordpress.com/2012/12/30/the-rising-of-the-phoenix-symbol-of-the-coming-antichrist-world-powe
Something was terribly wrong when I arrived at the Phoenix House in Citra FL, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. I was detoxing off opiates and benzodiazepines. I sat in detox for 16 days waiting to find a rehab. Idk why it took so long (I say sarcastically) as I had a decent BCBS HMO at the time. I was growing impatient and restless in the detox facility (meridian Gainesville FL). I didn’t want to check myself out even though I could any Time I wanted. I wanted to get better. I wanted to get off opiates.
A lady came in one day and she told me about The Phoenix House. I had heard of it before so that was good! My pastor (SG) had mentioned the Phoenix House to me 2-3 different times. My pastor was the first person I confided to that I had a prescription drug problem. He mentioned PH that first conversation. He said his close friend David F. Was the director and it sounded like a real good place to go if I was serious about getting sober.
The representative told me about The walking trails and the recording studio. She told me about the pool and the gym and the horse therapy. After she got done describing the place to me it sounded almost too good to be true. I remember crying because I was out of ideas and out of hope. And here she was with this awesome opportunity/place I could go to. Not only that but my pastor recommended it and his good friend David ran the whole place. I felt lucky and happy to get to go. I mean it had been mentioned before and what a coincidence here’s a rep right in front of me (the mind control works subliminally and subtlety it’s not in your face).
Knowing what my treatment was in detox they decided for me to come the next day.
When I arrived at the Phoenix House I was given a urinalysis. They knew my treatment at detox but when I arrived they acted surprised I had Benzo’s in my system so they immediately sent me to another detox (the vines Ocala) which was mental patients mixed in with the drug addicts. It was 2 days of walking nightmares. People shitting down their leg walking the halls, vomiting at breakfast/lunch/dinner by random detoxing addicts.
A doctor came to see me. dr. Baboo. There was a big language barrier but I communicated “I want out of this fucking place ASAP” meaning no more benzo’s start the taper off the Suboxone... “I want to go to rehab doc”... so after 2-3 days I was released to the Phoenix House ( on my own recognizance I could leave if I wanted to).
Obviously my first encounter didn’t go well; they put me in the nut house for 2-3. For the record I now firmly believe that these places (detox/ICU’s) can help people but I believe I was sent there as a punishment and or as a way to make mentally unstable a little bit at a time.
So I get back to the PH and I’m ready to do what they tell me... I knew not to do what comes naturally to me which is to fight / go against the grain etc...
I met my counselor, a guy who graduated from a correspondence school of some kind. He asked me soooooo many questions. There were pages and pages of documents / “standard questions”. He could type well and was really recording a lot. We were in his office for 3-5 hours doing my intake. He sat there with tobacco dip in his mouth typing away asking me questions. Oddly I do not remember what they were. Asking me about my whole life. Family parents brothers sisters jobs dreams aspirations etc.. . He was in great shape, ripped even. He had a tattoo of a snake wrapping around his arm/forearm. His muscles were the only impressive thing about him. He got fired 1-2 days later for “battery strike or touch” against his GF while at a gas station. This happened the day after I told the head counselor I didn’t want to work with him anymore. Something was just off about him. He got angry with me for finding a stress ball that used to belong to him or something? He acted like a child, I thought he was joking around at first but nope...
After my intake he told me that my problem was grandiosity. He made a point of telling me this.
The first day was very disillusioning. There were no horses for horse therapy (you could see horses but they were about a half mile away) The swimming pool was closed and the gym was also closed for repairs. There were no walking trails but you could walk around the edge of a large field if you wanted to. The recording studio did exist but we could only use it for 30 minutes once a week. When I went to eat I felt very uncomfortable. They served us some kind of meat that had been cut in large chunks and you could see where the hair had once come through the skin/meat of the animal. They said it was cow but I suspect it was horse. It was really really really horribly shitty Cafeteria food.
I did not know until I got there that there would be 200 to 250 department of corrections inmates there as well. They were housed together and were there for 6-18months each as an alternative to a harsher scenario. I was part of a small group called the private pay group which was reserved for people who were there by choice and had insurance or were paying out of pocket.
Nobody told me about the criminal element or about the large number of them. They got me all prepped for this awesome amazing experience. They lied to me about the facilities and the general vibe/reality of the place. Nothing was as they said and I felt as though I’d been lied to.
The first fellow patient I met had a tattoo of an all seeing eye on top the pyramid in the middle of his back. I told him I was an opiate addict and that I used to be on the first Silk Road as a buyer.. he said loudly and in my face “ sound like a garden-variety dope addict me” there’s nothing special about you. All I could think as I looked him up and down was “I’m more special than you”
They talked me into staying. Mike G, our main counselor, (who was actually just a technician who was in school) played a big role taking me aside to talk to me and bring up arguments on why I should stay.
So I did what they suggested. I stayed. Every morning Mike G would say to us “ohhhh you guys I was hanging with my best friend Troy (or ) his best friend Jamie. He regaled us with stories about Alcoholics Anonymous and how that simple program could save each one of us if I could “just get on board with having another person run my life” for me. You see it was literally said to me “Once you understand that that door knob will do a better job running your life than you you are on the right track”. We were to give ourselves a vote of no confidence. It was my doing that ended with me being an addict. I was the one in rehab feeling like the I was at the last house on the block.
It went on like that day after day. Mike even told us that when you wake up, right after you wake up that is the best time to subliminally message yourself as your brain is in a meditative state from sleeping. It was in the mornings right after we had broken up that he would talk to us in a soft voice, mind control shit. He hit us utilizing several different soft mind control techniques. Repetition, a cool temperate soothing yet confident voice. “I’m so happy you guys and I want you to be happy like I am”. The message was “get a sponsor, let him run your life for a little while until you can take the reigns again”
I went along with all of it. I shared intimate things I had done and had done to me. One patient claimed he had burnt down an old historic Freemason Lodge in Live Oak Florida. We had no internet so there was no fact checking. It was a lie that was told to get people like me talking.
I had no idea that there were SS Freemasons around me in the rehab. They were there as actual patients and I became “friends” with them.
It was Mike G who had the knowledge I wanted. I wanted the peace and confidence he had.
Every day something weird happened. Something to test my treatment, to test my reactions to things. Food stolen, clothes taken/gone through.
The Indian doctor from the detox facility was also the doctor at the Phoenix House. He put me on Zoloft and Wellbutrin. I spoke with him in depth about my upset stomach/opiate detox stuff and very clearly told him “please do not off label prescribe me something for my stomach I want to address it directly” ... he put me on more psychological meds stating the side effects can be constipation” (I didn’t know this until weeks later when I left and had internet to look stuff up)
Any chance my SS friends would get they would remind me “you’re not that special”.. there were 4-5 That I know of but perhaps more were in there with me.
I saw 3 of them leaving David’s office one day and they were smiling and laughing.. they seemed chummy like old friends with inside jokes. I asked what they were doing but I was blown off and got reminded I don’t know what’s going on and I’m not special etc etc...
At the Phoenix House We were supposed to be learning Cognitive behavior therapy or CBT for short. That was supposed to be the foundation on which we built our game plan. But instead we got fed AA hard core every morning day after day. We did the CBT therapy with Yonner, a very nice counselor who I thought made a lot of sense.
Eventually I bought in. I hadn’t drank alcohol in 4-5 years but I was convinced Anybody can recover from anything with Alcoholics Anonymous AND A SPONSOR. I actually still believe AA works great. It’s the people who have perverted it for their own purposes.
I talk a lot. And I talked a lot in rehab. I don’t know what I said but I’ve always been a conspiracy theorist. I’ve just always had my eyes and ears open to that stuff since reading The Biggest Secret back in 1998 or 1999.
Any weird vibes I got in rehab were dismissed by me. I did not think people would or could organize in such a way as to target others and I thought everybody in there was there for the same reason I was which was to get better.
When it came time for me to leave they wanted me to move to Ocala FL ( I grew up in Gainesville the next town over). There is a halfway house there run by a wealthy business man in Ocala named Larry. I pretty much refused to go to Ocala. I know the town well and I didn’t think it would be a good place to make a living/enjoy life. I’ve always been big into clubbing and good sound systems. I DJ’d for 15+ years. I remember telling Mike G “there are no clubs there there’s no sound systems in the whole city. Even the drugs in Ocala suck, and the ladies there suck”... in my mind I would go anywhere they told me. Just not there. I always had a weird feeling about that city. I never liked it. I never stop to think about why I just always hated Ocala.
What I now know is that it was VITAL I move there. Mike spent hours on me. Telling me how “I can tell you are about to help a lot of people if you choose to goto Ocala”... What he was saying is other people in rehab we’re going to make the same decision once they saw I made it. I remember saying over and over to him I just really don’t like that town I will move anywhere else in the country just not there. He even got mad at me. Constantly reminding me that I can’t make good decisions and that I needed to not be so grandiose. Who was I that I was too good for Ocala? “If you can get sober and stay sober in Ocala you can get sober and stay sober anywhere”.. finally I gave in. It was the person I looked up to you the most at the treatment center who coerced me and coaxed me in to going to Ocala.
After treatment Mike told me he had to wait two years until him and I could hang out together like be in a car together or go grab coffee. It was a few weeks after he told me that that I saw him breaking this role with other people who had been in treatment with me.
I tried. I tried really hard and I gave it my best shot. But I couldn’t find any real friends. Mike’s best friends who he looked up to so much were there in Ocala. They told me I needed to open up more. To tell people more personal stuff about myself and that’s how I would get closer friendships. I made a few loose friends. A girl who I became quite Platonically close to. A few others from rehab. The odd thing was they would Randomly tell me “you’re not that special” .. I didn’t think anything of it because I thought they were incorporating AA in with what they were saying... “ you’re not special” is not an Aa thing. It was a me thing. They didn’t say it to anybody else certainly not to themselves. This fact was lost on me until just A few months ago.
I don’t know when the phone hacking and group stalking started but I know some of the signs looking back on it.
I got a new phone after rehab. My SS all seeing eye tattoo Friend gave me a ride to Walmart and sat there with me while I set it up on Walmart’s (unsecured gang stalked) WiFi. I was probably connected to his hotspot and didn’t know it.
I had a girl get slowly dangled in front of me and I lowered my standards to date her. She was cute-ish but I really dug her personality. She reminded me of a sadistic Pam from The Office. I was her Jim I guess.
After we started dating things changed. She talked about gang stalking often. I’d never heard of it. The cleaning lady at the call center we worked at made comments about people watching from the tree’s / roof tops. Of course I wrote her off as crazy (she acted kinda crazy so whatever).. “have you ever heard of it, gang stalking??” Jessica would say to me. I did not pay her much mind.
When I was in the shower at our house I caught her ex boyfriend sneaking around in the side yard talking to her through a window. There was another time he was spying on me in the laundry room from outside. She told me he had black mailed her. Had her do something gross, video taped it,.. and threatened to release it.. Jessica lied one evening and said “I love you” to me.:: I could feel the lie and I could hear the lie. But I wanted to believe it so I foolishly went Along. . Jessica’s BF moved out of her house and I moved in. Soon after we got together she quit her job making 12/hr 40hrs a week. I was supporting both of us and she was laying around ”depressed”. The weird shit went on with her Ex creeping around and she started going out (presumably to Cheat on me). Eventually one day I demanded to look at her cell phone (we had an open cell phone policy due to crappy previous relationships). She absolutely freaked out and acted guilty as all hell, so that was the end of that”. We were living together and not dating.
Anytime I needed advice I would goto my sponsor. He was supposed to help me get sober but like everybody else I went to my sponsor for all sorts of advice. This was a huge mistake.
One day before she turned into a gross lazy bum, jessica and I were talking and I told her “I have a feeling that I’m going to find a job working with large amounts of people and traveling some how” I also mentioned how I really wanted to goto Detroit and check it out (I love techno). She made a big deal about national pizza day, and pointed out all the celebs who posted about pizza.
One day I was at the Burger King next to our house and a man walked in while I was getting my soda. He took 2-3 close up pics of me with his cell phone. I reacted by saying “yo dude what’s up” He told me he was a police officer and I fit the description of somebody they were looking for. I remembered it ruffled my feathers but I didn’t do anything other than talk to Jessica about it. It Seemed unprofessional
I believe Jessica was video taping me constantly but I have no idea for sure. When you are gang stalked they constantly either record or stream you... that or they want you to believe that’s what’s happening. It’s to mess with your head. I was unaware of anything like that going on at that time There were times when she spoke to me so strangely “do you love pizza? She would make me Say ‘I love pizza’ “ ....that made no sense at the time Her ex didn’t make sense he still had power over her... anyways, I left and moved in with my all seeing eye friend.
It’s worth mentioning because I couldn’t handle Jessica drinking behind my back/ talking to guys I didn’t know... I ended up relapsing while dating her. It was bad, shooting coke and heroin. I curled up in a ball one night having what I think was a hEart attack.I knew I didn’t want to go out like that. Not at all and it scared she shit out of me.
I lost my job at the call center, had used and was living with Jessica broken up.
That’s when I found the petition job. Somebody (an SS friend who was suuuiper buddy buddy with Mike G and the others) suggested to me that I may do well at it. So I took his suggestion and tried my luck at signature gathering. I was really good at it and it paid quite well. I saved up money and bought a car, by the time the campaigns in FL ended I had some money saved up, I was sober and single.
The person I worked for invited me to a job that I now know I wasn’t supposed To succeed at. I was being set up to fail. Believe it or not, I was asked to travel to Detroit!! I was to collect signatures on petitions (awesome right!) In the dead of winter. I drove up to Michigan in the winter... knowing What I know now about the petition business and everything? Nobody does that nobody goes and works Michigan in the dead of winter. But me being me I made the best of it. I slept in our office, showered at planet fitness.. eventually the signatures went up in price (when the other pro’s came to work) and I got some additional local jobs (in Ann Arbor I worked a Petiton to save a local corner lot by putting in a public park instead of a sky rise)
My coordinator was setting me up to fail. He was taking money from me, wearing my clothes, eating my food... he stiffed me for $2300.00 (which was 6-9 days of work) at the end of the campaign.
Jessica was the one who implanted the idea of gang stalking into my head. My coordinator Josh was tasked with gaslighting me about trump, Qanon and the petition business as a whole.
I cannot explain how or why... but it was all a set up. The girl was systematically brought closer and closer to me at the call center, my sponsor gave me the horrible advice to move in with her while at the same time saying “something isn’t right”.... I worked a job in Baltimore and Ohio for other coordinators doing other Peritions then came back to Ocala to be near recovery and my friends.
I was in a meeting and mentioned “I would like to be more sexually open”. I’ve always been reserved sexually and I was just having a moment of honesty with some friends in AA. I went on a Plenty of Fish date, hooked up with this girl for about a week, and contracted trichinosis. I got that cleared up just in time foe Kathi and Matt to hit me up on FB. They ( what a coincidence) wanted to see if I would come sleep with Kathi while Matt (her husband) watched. I slept on it and said “sure what the hell I just said I wanted to be more open”. Of course I thought I said this in a private meeting Nobody would betray my anonymity especially not in a place like alcoholics anonymous and certainly not in a city at sacred As Ocala when it comes to recovery.
I knew Matt from 10-15 years earlier. Kat, his wife I knew loosely as well. She did chaturbate cam model masturabation/sex with her husband on there it’s worth mentioning . I knew Matt because I happened to date his ex girlfriend; Something Matt never forgave me for. He pretended to be cool with me but something was off with him. He was high on dope or meth alll the time and was ordering stuff off the DN..
So there I was, really Fing the hell out of his wife. It was so weird. He pretended to enjoy it and told Kat it was what he wanted. I was obviously Emasculating him unintentionally and he was obviously loosing her right in front of his eyes. Or so I thought.
I was led to believe Matt was horribly abusive and saw many tangible signs. I told them I could only do the deed a few times and I couldn’t hang after that. I know myself and I knew I would start getting attached/catching feelings. I told them this very plainly and clearly.
Her and I were talking on the phone quite regularly so it didn’t take long for me to talk with him on the phone and tell him that I was done and I could not do It anymore. He got upset and was very insistent. This man literally insisted that I continue to come over there and bang his wife. They turned me onto App Snitch for Android and a few other apps. I didn’t know it at the time But they were both extensive computer hackers. They had their laptop set up as a Wi-Fi repeateFake hotspot. They ordered stuff off the DN on the regular. He dozed her with some strong benzo type substance one evening and the next day I told her “ I am 100% done I cannot hang around him or you and watch him do these things anymore”
I told her if she wanted help I would help her get away and I even committed to six months but I didn’t pressure her at all.
She left him and came with me to Saint Pete Florida where I was living working Petitions. She started working with me. As soon as she moved in weird things started happening. My roommate started asking questions about her Wi-Fi router. She was always on her phone but insisted she was not talking to anybody even though I suggested she get in touch with friends etc. because I’m not a controlling person.
This is officially when I noticed the gang stalking for the first time. It started with my phone.
All of a sudden the screen cast would come on out of nowhere. I did not know anything about cell phones or operating systems but I was raised around computers ... so every step of the way I’ve had to research my ass off which is not easy when you’re dealing with this subject and trying to work 50 hours a week. I noticed people driving by our house really slow and I recognize their faces as people she was friends with on Facebook or so I thought. My roommate also took note of the weirdness with the people and the wifi etc... It became obvious to me Kathy was still talking to somebody and when I busted her she admitted she had been talking to Matt which I understood and told her it was weird to lie to me about it.
While this is going on I had mutual friends inviting us to shows, camp outs and all this other stuff but I could tell it was directed at her and not me so it made me feel uncomfortable.
One day after days of research I came to realize she was channeling all the data from my phone to her phone using Bluetooth Wi-Fi hotspot somehow. She had been lying to me about talking to Matt and I caught her flirting with a young young boy or so I thought ( the kid was 16-17 maybe) I didn’t think anybody would go into a relationship cheating their ass off from the beginning. Things got weirder. She would always be looking around as if she were looking for specific people. Sometimes when driving she would start talking loud and intentionally as though we were being recorded. After the weird spy shit with her phone, the hiding talking to guys (I thought it was Matt) and acting as though we were being recorded.... for the longest time I thought she wanted me to believe we were being monitored and recorded. I thought she was gaslighting me to make me believe somebody was listening in to our conversations...
I got upset about the spying shit and literally snapped her phone in two. It caught fire instantly. I burnt and cut my hand. It was when I broke her phone In two that I realized, she was communicating with more than one person. She got sooooooo depressed with the loss of her phone. I mean she wasn’t even mad she was naturally sad and depressed as all hell. It was obvious I had taken something from her. She stopped keeping up her appearance as much. It was as if she didn’t have an audience any longer.
While working people would often take pics of me / us because We were working Petitions to legalize marijuana and people get really excited about that. For the next few months I didn’t really think anything was out of the ordinary. I thought she had been talking with her husband and she was getting acquainted with the new situation as best she could. I kept having unexplainable phone issues. But she was always there telling me I was wrong or being paranoid.
I started watching her more closely. And what I noticed and saw was very strange and unbelievable. She was constantly making hand gestures or hand signals to people who I thought were complete strangers. I came to the conclusion that she was in some kind of swinger sex club of some kind. People would approach her and it was obvious they knew each other. They were sometimes I swear either she passed somebody a note or somebody passed a note to her but I wasn’t sure. She went across the street to a publix while we were working one day. She didn’t come back for a hour saying she got lost in the parking garage.
Things got worse and worse. I kept noticing people driving by at weird times, on her google drive I found weird skins for apps so you can make Snapchat logo look like google translate or tinder look like reddit..
She left work one day and was gone for hours. It was months later I saw her google history doing translations from english to Spanish. “I miss you” and “I love you”.. but this wasn’t to Matt... around that same time she expressed an interest in learning Spanish and I often heard Spanish music playing outside our Airbnb’s.
Speaking of Airbnb’s, we moved out of my friends house because she was uncomfortable with Kathi ... now I know my roommate knew 100% what was going on which explains the whispering conversations she had with Kathi and how she knew ahead of time what was going on. When we moved out of my friends in st Pete, a day or two before was the first time I had ever been followed. They followed us leaving the house and started pointing they cell phones at us. I thought it was people that she knew. You can do things like turn your location settings on with Snapchat and Facebook. I did not know how but it was obvious I had something to do with the cell phones and it was obvious we were being followed they wanted us to know it was done very overtly.
Of course Kat told me I was crazy and she wasn’t doing anything wrong.
The whole time I kept calling my Old sponsor or one of my SS friends. I actually took their advice.
For a long time I could not figure out if Kat was doing these things because she had to or she was obligated to or if she was doing them because she wanted to. I put a key logger on my phone and caught her trying to route the phone as well as turning developer options on. I believe they may have used a Sim card hack or virtual Sim card to hack my phone because the key logger showed my Sim card being removed as well.
I was in the process of dumping her and was preparing to go to California to work. We got an a huge fight and I drove to Ocala. I know that I Should have left her. I don’t know why but I sought the advice from my old sponsor again. He gave me horrible advice but he told me what I wanted to hear I guess. I kept looking at her as a victim not as a perpetrator.
I’ve left out a bunch. I bought her an iPhone which became jailbroken. She had a virtual operating system or a partitioned HD I don’t know but she was hiding Snapchat from me, she was using Poshmark as a dating app.. she had 2-3 Facebook accounts but always only had access to one. I unlocked her account for her and a few days later I couldn’t even find with my FB account. There was always weird stuff going ok with the phones and WiFi network. We were definitely 100% being followed around in st Pete so I moved us inland for a few weeks.
During this time someone Matt and Kathi (or Mathi for short) knew and was close with killed themselves. It was Matt’s close friend and he was a conspiracy theorist who worked for the Eustis Police dept and saw how corrupt they were. He worked IT... It was shortly after I called Matt asking him about the people following us around. I told him his wife knew who they were and I think she had slept with a few of them. Matt said “Kathi would never do that” and that was it. LOL... pffft I believe their friend Troy was a targeted individual. He was a conspiracy theorist and he worked IT for the Eustis Police Department. He shot himself in the head on a park bench. A few months after his death, after seeing what it did to Kathi.. I said “I think Troy may have been in love with you” she replied “I know he was”..
Everything up to this point could be explained by various explanations/excuses like snap chat geo locating, odd behavior or paranoia on my part. But then there was the people following us around hell bent on capturing us with their cell phone cameras. I even thought it might be a game people play with each other like a game swingers play or something.
It wasn’t And it was or is.
They call it The Games or The Game.
When I took Kathi out west that’s when shit Got horrible. We were followed up to North Carolina and they continued to follow us the entire way to LasVegas. In Vegas they were everywhere. It was in Las Vegas I learned for certain of the malicious Bluetooth / WiFi attacks. It was in Las Vegas she slipped and said something about a sex ritual. It was in Las Vegas that she slept with I don’t even know who/what... but I realized she was having sex with other people and pretending to be on her period after so I wouldn’t get near her brutalized personal areas.
She routinely had a Bluetooth device inside of her. I could hear it vibrate from time to time. She had portable batteries that were actually hidden cameras. I threw them all out.
There was always Bluetooth connections happening with my phone I could see it in The bug reports. Large amounts of data would leave my phone. Turning airplane mode on and off made the phone freak out/do weird things.
I bought a hidden camera detector and actually found a fair amount of hidden cameras especially out West. Many hotels have hidden cameras in them especially in Nevada and California.
These people are spying on others using their cell phones and using technology that most people don’t have. This is neighbor spying on neighbor has been spying on Wife. They always had sandbox processes running on top of Waze GPS and my screen mirror was always coming on.
Things went on like this for some time. I don’t even know how many cell phones I went through why did it hurt I think it was around four or five of my own and she went through two or three.
All of this stuff is connected. Kathi was FB friends with some of the people in Ocala I knew from recovery. This one guy in particular I went to for help early on before I knew anything. He ignored me and did nothing to help me. He could’ve told me in five minutes what it took me a year to figure out. That I was dating a group stalking narcissistic sex addict / computer hacker secret society slave or willing participant.
There was a Device installed in our car intergraded with the gps/ LoJack. There were moments I questioned my own sanity as that’s what this was designed to do.
Group stalking is fucking real. It’s a systematic targeting that goes on in such a way to make the target look crazy. It’s systematic ritualistic like abuse. No one person does any real harm. But I’m telling you, in one day If you had 50 to 100 people purposely raise their phones to videotape you without explanation that alone would be very unnerving trust me.
You have to understand I was completely in love with this girl and I did trust her. For a long time I could not figure out if she was being made to do the things she was doing or if she was doing them willingly.
My story gets much worse and quite frankly unbelievable.
The 5-8 “friends” in Ocala (including Mike the counselor) who I loved and trusted... they all stopped talking to me at the exact same time. None of them has given me a reason they just all black balled me. I I never did anything hurtful to anybody in recovery and the way they turned their back on me really hurt like it was meant to.
It took me a longtime to figure out everybody I was working with doing petitions was SS. I was working for the head guy who oversees all of it. He treated me rather well financially speaking. I believe he is in the illuminati and everybody else running around the USA collecting signs are freemasons for the most part.
It was only just a month or two ago I saw everything if that makes sense .. i understood everything.
I feel like I was raised to be secret society fodder. Like I was raised to be a whipping post, to be used, to turn the other cheek.
I was raised Christian and I still believe in God. They do too. It’s why they spy on everybody and try to control literally everything and everybody.
In the end the message was clear. “Have you thought about joining? Have you thought about joining? Have you thought about joining?”
I’m a person of influence. I have a high IQ, I’m funny and I get Along With people when I want to. I used to have a very positive outlook but recently not so much.
I’ve left out many many details. Like an AA friend admitting to being in the SS and admitting they’ve been fucking with me... or the times I thought they were about to murder me.
It took me driving from California the whole way back to Florida with no stereo and no phone on thinking about my entire life to see the truth.
My pastor , my friends, my uncle (he admitted he works for Department of homeland security and knows what gang stalking is). I even suspect my own father was tasked with “raising a Christian family” for to balance out society the way the SS wants it. He left my mom for his side piece the moment I had moved out (he filled his obligation). My sister was still there but being adopted it probably didn’t count.
He has believed everything I’ve said and is bending over backwards to help me right now. Something he’s never done.
There is so much more like my pastor using a jailbroken iPhone.. he also told me we wouldAbsolutely get in touch with somebody from the FBI regarding what happened to me only to backtrack it later. All my Pastor has done is pacify mean and as soon as I started sniffing around the Phoenix house and started talking about psychological operations everybody wants to say I’m absolutely crazy.
I was put in some kind of mind control behavior modification program. It’s part of Michael Aquino’s mind war. He had operation Phoenix is Vietnam and he had The Phoenix Houses in the USA. They’re multi purpose facilities. After all this is a quote from the link below. :
“Phoenix House Academy was designated a “model program” by the U.S. Department of Justice.” :... say whaaaat??
Phoenix symbol is operation Phoenix is Phoenix House is Phoenixfreemasonry is NWO....
In California they committed me to a mental institution for telling them about Kathi and what she did. All I mentioned was phone hacking and group stalking. I told them I was fine and not a harm To myself or anybody else.. that’s all I said and they fucking Tranquilized me at an advent health hospital in Willits California.
When I got back to FL I tried talking to an ER nurse and an er doctor about what happened. Everything was fine until the doctor went off his shift. The next doctor immediately sent me to another mental institution , livestreams in clermont fl.
My uncle was the head anesthesiologist at Shands now he spies on fellow Americans. My uncle may be the one who put me in this program/whatever it is.
I’ve had police officers, lawyers, friends and relatives all tell me in some way shape or form they know I’m Telling the truth and there is nothing wrong with me. They are part of this SS system. It’s Definitely absolutely integrated with the US government. Just recently when I left California I had a federal agent park next to my car and book the hotel room next to mine. When I travel I always have people in the rooms next to me I believe they spy on me with listening devices and maybe a hidden camera or two.
Why am I targeted? I do not know. I do know in the last three years I have spoken with thousands upon thousands upon thousands of fellow citizens and I can safely say I am more special than almost every single one of them. I’m gifted and special and people are drawn to me when I talk. I was in the 110% Percentile growing up and I always do very well At what’s ever I put my mind to.
Why would the SS want so badly for ME to think I’m not special?? All it’s done is made me realize how absolutely amazing and gifted I am. I’ve made it through this and I figured much of it out on my own.
I love all of you even the perps who are about to leave perp-SS comments. :)
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Conspiracy theory. National rehab facility Phoenix House / MK ultra / Michael Aquino / NWO mind war / Gangstalking

We all know how much the SS loves their symbolism. It’s plastered all over the place. The T in Texaco the T in T-Mobile. The Symbolism is what DC was designed around. If you don’t know what I’m talking about you are in the wrong forum. It’s a simple fact. The secret societies CANNOT stop with their symbolism; it’s as if they don’t care or don’t have a choice.
Here are some links that simply communicate how important the Phoenix is to the SS and where it comes from. It comes from the book of the dead. Some say the Phoenix represents the devil. I think it’s Double or triple entendre but it all makes sense. At any rate it’s obvious this symbol is greatly respected and revered by the SS.
NWO connections: https://exposingbabylon.wordpress.com/2012/12/30/the-rising-of-the-phoenix-symbol-of-the-coming-antichrist-world-powe
Something was terribly wrong when I arrived at the Phoenix House in Citra FL, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. I was detoxing off opiates and benzodiazepines. I sat in detox for 16 days waiting to find a rehab. Idk why it took so long (I say sarcastically) as I had a decent BCBS HMO at the time. I was growing impatient and restless in the detox facility (meridian Gainesville FL). I didn’t want to check myself out even though I could any Time I wanted. I wanted to get better. I wanted to get off opiates.
A lady came in one day and she told me about The Phoenix House. I had heard of it before so that was good! My pastor (SG) had mentioned the Phoenix House to me 2-3 different times. My pastor was the first person I confided to that I had a prescription drug problem. He mentioned PH that first conversation. He said his close friend David F. Was the director and it sounded like a real good place to go if I was serious about getting sober.
The representative told me about The walking trails and the recording studio. She told me about the pool and the gym and the horse therapy. After she got done describing the place to me it sounded almost too good to be true. I remember crying because I was out of ideas and out of hope. And here she was with this awesome opportunity/place I could go to. Not only that but my pastor recommended it and his good friend David ran the whole place. I felt lucky and happy to get to go. I mean it had been mentioned before and what a coincidence here’s a rep right in front of me (the mind control works subliminally and subtlety it’s not in your face).
Knowing what my treatment was in detox they decided for me to come the next day.
When I arrived at the Phoenix House I was given a urinalysis. They knew my treatment at detox but when I arrived they acted surprised I had Benzo’s in my system so they immediately sent me to another detox (the vines Ocala) which was mental patients mixed in with the drug addicts. It was 2 days of walking nightmares. People shitting down their leg walking the halls, vomiting at breakfast/lunch/dinner by random detoxing addicts.
A doctor came to see me. dr. Baboo. There was a big language barrier but I communicated “I want out of this fucking place ASAP” meaning no more benzo’s start the taper off the Suboxone... “I want to go to rehab doc”... so after 2-3 days I was released to the Phoenix House ( on my own recognizance I could leave if I wanted to).
Obviously my first encounter didn’t go well; they put me in the nut house for 2-3. For the record I now firmly believe that these places (detox/ICU’s) can help people but I believe I was sent there as a punishment and or as a way to make mentally unstable a little bit at a time.
So I get back to the PH and I’m ready to do what they tell me... I knew not to do what comes naturally to me which is to fight / go against the grain etc...
I met my counselor, a guy who graduated from a correspondence school of some kind. He asked me soooooo many questions. There were pages and pages of documents / “standard questions”. He could type well and was really recording a lot. We were in his office for 3-5 hours doing my intake. He sat there with tobacco dip in his mouth typing away asking me questions. Oddly I do not remember what they were. Asking me about my whole life. Family parents brothers sisters jobs dreams aspirations etc.. . He was in great shape, ripped even. He had a tattoo of a snake wrapping around his arm/forearm. His muscles were the only impressive thing about him. He got fired 1-2 days later for “battery strike or touch” against his GF while at a gas station. This happened the day after I told the head counselor I didn’t want to work with him anymore. Something was just off about him. He got angry with me for finding a stress ball that used to belong to him or something? He acted like a child, I thought he was joking around at first but nope...
After my intake he told me that my problem was grandiosity. He made a point of telling me this.
The first day was very disillusioning. There were no horses for horse therapy (you could see horses but they were about a half mile away) The swimming pool was closed and the gym was also closed for repairs. There were no walking trails but you could walk around the edge of a large field if you wanted to. The recording studio did exist but we could only use it for 30 minutes once a week. When I went to eat I felt very uncomfortable. They served us some kind of meat that had been cut in large chunks and you could see where the hair had once come through the skin/meat of the animal. They said it was cow but I suspect it was horse. It was really really really horribly shitty Cafeteria food.
I did not know until I got there that there would be 200 to 250 department of corrections inmates there as well. They were housed together and were there for 6-18months each as an alternative to a harsher scenario. I was part of a small group called the private pay group which was reserved for people who were there by choice and had insurance or were paying out of pocket.
Nobody told me about the criminal element or about the large number of them. They got me all prepped for this awesome amazing experience. They lied to me about the facilities and the general vibe/reality of the place. Nothing was as they said and I felt as though I’d been lied to.
The first fellow patient I met had a tattoo of an all seeing eye on top the pyramid in the middle of his back. I told him I was an opiate addict and that I used to be on the first Silk Road as a buyer.. he said loudly and in my face “ sound like a garden-variety dope addict me” there’s nothing special about you. All I could think as I looked him up and down was “I’m more special than you”
They talked me into staying. Mike G, our main counselor, (who was actually just a technician who was in school) played a big role taking me aside to talk to me and bring up arguments on why I should stay.
So I did what they suggested. I stayed. Every morning Mike G would say to us “ohhhh you guys I was hanging with my best friend Troy (or ) his best friend Jamie. He regaled us with stories about Alcoholics Anonymous and how that simple program could save each one of us if I could “just get on board with having another person run my life” for me. You see it was literally said to me “Once you understand that that door knob will do a better job running your life than you you are on the right track”. We were to give ourselves a vote of no confidence. It was my doing that ended with me being an addict. I was the one in rehab feeling like the I was at the last house on the block.
It went on like that day after day. Mike even told us that when you wake up, right after you wake up that is the best time to subliminally message yourself as your brain is in a meditative state from sleeping. It was in the mornings right after we had broken up that he would talk to us in a soft voice, mind control shit. He hit us utilizing several different soft mind control techniques. Repetition, a cool temperate soothing yet confident voice. “I’m so happy you guys and I want you to be happy like I am”. The message was “get a sponsor, let him run your life for a little while until you can take the reigns again”
I went along with all of it. I shared intimate things I had done and had done to me. One patient claimed he had burnt down an old historic Freemason Lodge in Live Oak Florida. We had no internet so there was no fact checking. It was a lie that was told to get people like me talking.
I had no idea that there were SS Freemasons around me in the rehab. They were there as actual patients and I became “friends” with them.
It was Mike G who had the knowledge I wanted. I wanted the peace and confidence he had.
Every day something weird happened. Something to test my treatment, to test my reactions to things. Food stolen, clothes taken/gone through.
The Indian doctor from the detox facility was also the doctor at the Phoenix House. He put me on Zoloft and Wellbutrin. I spoke with him in depth about my upset stomach/opiate detox stuff and very clearly told him “please do not off label prescribe me something for my stomach I want to address it directly” ... he put me on more psychological meds stating the side effects can be constipation” (I didn’t know this until weeks later when I left and had internet to look stuff up)
Any chance my SS friends would get they would remind me “you’re not that special”.. there were 4-5 That I know of but perhaps more were in there with me.
I saw 3 of them leaving David’s office one day and they were smiling and laughing.. they seemed chummy like old friends with inside jokes. I asked what they were doing but I was blown off and got reminded I don’t know what’s going on and I’m not special etc etc...
At the Phoenix House We were supposed to be learning Cognitive behavior therapy or CBT for short. That was supposed to be the foundation on which we built our game plan. But instead we got fed AA hard core every morning day after day. We did the CBT therapy with Yonner, a very nice counselor who I thought made a lot of sense.
Eventually I bought in. I hadn’t drank alcohol in 4-5 years but I was convinced Anybody can recover from anything with Alcoholics Anonymous AND A SPONSOR. I actually still believe AA works great. It’s the people who have perverted it for their own purposes.
I talk a lot. And I talked a lot in rehab. I don’t know what I said but I’ve always been a conspiracy theorist. I’ve just always had my eyes and ears open to that stuff since reading The Biggest Secret back in 1998 or 1999.
Any weird vibes I got in rehab were dismissed by me. I did not think people would or could organize in such a way as to target others and I thought everybody in there was there for the same reason I was which was to get better.
When it came time for me to leave they wanted me to move to Ocala FL ( I grew up in Gainesville the next town over). There is a halfway house there run by a wealthy business man in Ocala named Larry. I pretty much refused to go to Ocala. I know the town well and I didn’t think it would be a good place to make a living/enjoy life. I’ve always been big into clubbing and good sound systems. I DJ’d for 15+ years. I remember telling Mike G “there are no clubs there there’s no sound systems in the whole city. Even the drugs in Ocala suck, and the ladies there suck”... in my mind I would go anywhere they told me. Just not there. I always had a weird feeling about that city. I never liked it. I never stop to think about why I just always hated Ocala.
What I now know is that it was VITAL I move there. Mike spent hours on me. Telling me how “I can tell you are about to help a lot of people if you choose to goto Ocala”... What he was saying is other people in rehab we’re going to make the same decision once they saw I made it. I remember saying over and over to him I just really don’t like that town I will move anywhere else in the country just not there. He even got mad at me. Constantly reminding me that I can’t make good decisions and that I needed to not be so grandiose. Who was I that I was too good for Ocala? “If you can get sober and stay sober in Ocala you can get sober and stay sober anywhere”.. finally I gave in. It was the person I looked up to you the most at the treatment center who coerced me and coaxed me in to going to Ocala.
After treatment Mike told me he had to wait two years until him and I could hang out together like be in a car together or go grab coffee. It was a few weeks after he told me that that I saw him breaking this role with other people who had been in treatment with me.
I tried. I tried really hard and I gave it my best shot. But I couldn’t find any real friends. Mike’s best friends who he looked up to so much were there in Ocala. They told me I needed to open up more. To tell people more personal stuff about myself and that’s how I would get closer friendships. I made a few loose friends. A girl who I became quite Platonically close to. A few others from rehab. The odd thing was they would Randomly tell me “you’re not that special” .. I didn’t think anything of it because I thought they were incorporating AA in with what they were saying... “ you’re not special” is not an Aa thing. It was a me thing. They didn’t say it to anybody else certainly not to themselves. This fact was lost on me until just A few months ago.
I don’t know when the phone hacking and group stalking started but I know some of the signs looking back on it.
I got a new phone after rehab. My SS all seeing eye tattoo Friend gave me a ride to Walmart and sat there with me while I set it up on Walmart’s (unsecured gang stalked) WiFi. I was probably connected to his hotspot and didn’t know it.
I had a girl get slowly dangled in front of me and I lowered my standards to date her. She was cute-ish but I really dug her personality. She reminded me of a sadistic Pam from The Office. I was her Jim I guess.
After we started dating things changed. She talked about gang stalking often. I’d never heard of it. The cleaning lady at the call center we worked at made comments about people watching from the tree’s / roof tops. Of course I wrote her off as crazy (she acted kinda crazy so whatever).. “have you ever heard of it, gang stalking??” Jessica would say to me. I did not pay her much mind.
When I was in the shower at our house I caught her ex boyfriend sneaking around in the side yard talking to her through a window. There was another time he was spying on me in the laundry room from outside. She told me he had black mailed her. Had her do something gross, video taped it,.. and threatened to release it.. Jessica lied one evening and said “I love you” to me.:: I could feel the lie and I could hear the lie. But I wanted to believe it so I foolishly went Along. . Jessica’s BF moved out of her house and I moved in. Soon after we got together she quit her job making 12/hr 40hrs a week. I was supporting both of us and she was laying around ”depressed”. The weird shit went on with her Ex creeping around and she started going out (presumably to Cheat on me). Eventually one day I demanded to look at her cell phone (we had an open cell phone policy due to crappy previous relationships). She absolutely freaked out and acted guilty as all hell, so that was the end of that”. We were living together and not dating.
Anytime I needed advice I would goto my sponsor. He was supposed to help me get sober but like everybody else I went to my sponsor for all sorts of advice. This was a huge mistake.
One day before she turned into a gross lazy bum, jessica and I were talking and I told her “I have a feeling that I’m going to find a job working with large amounts of people and traveling some how” I also mentioned how I really wanted to goto Detroit and check it out (I love techno). She made a big deal about national pizza day, and pointed out all the celebs who posted about pizza.
One day I was at the Burger King next to our house and a man walked in while I was getting my soda. He took 2-3 close up pics of me with his cell phone. I reacted by saying “yo dude what’s up” He told me he was a police officer and I fit the description of somebody they were looking for. I remembered it ruffled my feathers but I didn’t do anything other than talk to Jessica about it. It Seemed unprofessional
I believe Jessica was video taping me constantly but I have no idea for sure. When you are gang stalked they constantly either record or stream you... that or they want you to believe that’s what’s happening. It’s to mess with your head. I was unaware of anything like that going on at that time There were times when she spoke to me so strangely “do you love pizza? She would make me Say ‘I love pizza’ “ ....that made no sense at the time Her ex didn’t make sense he still had power over her... anyways, I left and moved in with my all seeing eye friend.
It’s worth mentioning because I couldn’t handle Jessica drinking behind my back/ talking to guys I didn’t know... I ended up relapsing while dating her. It was bad, shooting coke and heroin. I curled up in a ball one night having what I think was a hEart attack.I knew I didn’t want to go out like that. Not at all and it scared she shit out of me.
I lost my job at the call center, had used and was living with Jessica broken up.
That’s when I found the petition job. Somebody (an SS friend who was suuuiper buddy buddy with Mike G and the others) suggested to me that I may do well at it. So I took his suggestion and tried my luck at signature gathering. I was really good at it and it paid quite well. I saved up money and bought a car, by the time the campaigns in FL ended I had some money saved up, I was sober and single.
The person I worked for invited me to a job that I now know I wasn’t supposed To succeed at. I was being set up to fail. Believe it or not, I was asked to travel to Detroit!! I was to collect signatures on petitions (awesome right!) In the dead of winter. I drove up to Michigan in the winter... knowing What I know now about the petition business and everything? Nobody does that nobody goes and works Michigan in the dead of winter. But me being me I made the best of it. I slept in our office, showered at planet fitness.. eventually the signatures went up in price (when the other pro’s came to work) and I got some additional local jobs (in Ann Arbor I worked a Petiton to save a local corner lot by putting in a public park instead of a sky rise)
My coordinator was setting me up to fail. He was taking money from me, wearing my clothes, eating my food... he stiffed me for $2300.00 (which was 6-9 days of work) at the end of the campaign.
Jessica was the one who implanted the idea of gang stalking into my head. My coordinator Josh was tasked with gaslighting me about trump, Qanon and the petition business as a whole.
I cannot explain how or why... but it was all a set up. The girl was systematically brought closer and closer to me at the call center, my sponsor gave me the horrible advice to move in with her while at the same time saying “something isn’t right”.... I worked a job in Baltimore and Ohio for other coordinators doing other Peritions then came back to Ocala to be near recovery and my friends.
I was in a meeting and mentioned “I would like to be more sexually open”. I’ve always been reserved sexually and I was just having a moment of honesty with some friends in AA. I went on a Plenty of Fish date, hooked up with this girl for about a week, and contracted trichinosis. I got that cleared up just in time foe Kathi and Matt to hit me up on FB. They ( what a coincidence) wanted to see if I would come sleep with Kathi while Matt (her husband) watched. I slept on it and said “sure what the hell I just said I wanted to be more open”. Of course I thought I said this in a private meeting Nobody would betray my anonymity especially not in a place like alcoholics anonymous and certainly not in a city at sacred As Ocala when it comes to recovery.
I knew Matt from 10-15 years earlier. Kat, his wife I knew loosely as well. She did chaturbate cam model masturabation/sex with her husband on there it’s worth mentioning . I knew Matt because I happened to date his ex girlfriend; Something Matt never forgave me for. He pretended to be cool with me but something was off with him. He was high on dope or meth alll the time and was ordering stuff off the DN..
So there I was, really Fing the hell out of his wife. It was so weird. He pretended to enjoy it and told Kat it was what he wanted. I was obviously Emasculating him unintentionally and he was obviously loosing her right in front of his eyes. Or so I thought.
I was led to believe Matt was horribly abusive and saw many tangible signs. I told them I could only do the deed a few times and I couldn’t hang after that. I know myself and I knew I would start getting attached/catching feelings. I told them this very plainly and clearly.
Her and I were talking on the phone quite regularly so it didn’t take long for me to talk with him on the phone and tell him that I was done and I could not do It anymore. He got upset and was very insistent. This man literally insisted that I continue to come over there and bang his wife. They turned me onto App Snitch for Android and a few other apps. I didn’t know it at the time But they were both extensive computer hackers. They had their laptop set up as a Wi-Fi repeateFake hotspot. They ordered stuff off the DN on the regular. He dozed her with some strong benzo type substance one evening and the next day I told her “ I am 100% done I cannot hang around him or you and watch him do these things anymore”
I told her if she wanted help I would help her get away and I even committed to six months but I didn’t pressure her at all.
She left him and came with me to Saint Pete Florida where I was living working Petitions. She started working with me. As soon as she moved in weird things started happening. My roommate started asking questions about her Wi-Fi router. She was always on her phone but insisted she was not talking to anybody even though I suggested she get in touch with friends etc. because I’m not a controlling person.
This is officially when I noticed the gang stalking for the first time. It started with my phone.
All of a sudden the screen cast would come on out of nowhere. I did not know anything about cell phones or operating systems but I was raised around computers ... so every step of the way I’ve had to research my ass off which is not easy when you’re dealing with this subject and trying to work 50 hours a week. I noticed people driving by our house really slow and I recognize their faces as people she was friends with on Facebook or so I thought. My roommate also took note of the weirdness with the people and the wifi etc... It became obvious to me Kathy was still talking to somebody and when I busted her she admitted she had been talking to Matt which I understood and told her it was weird to lie to me about it.
While this is going on I had mutual friends inviting us to shows, camp outs and all this other stuff but I could tell it was directed at her and not me so it made me feel uncomfortable.
One day after days of research I came to realize she was channeling all the data from my phone to her phone using Bluetooth Wi-Fi hotspot somehow. She had been lying to me about talking to Matt and I caught her flirting with a young young boy or so I thought ( the kid was 16-17 maybe) I didn’t think anybody would go into a relationship cheating their ass off from the beginning. Things got weirder. She would always be looking around as if she were looking for specific people. Sometimes when driving she would start talking loud and intentionally as though we were being recorded. After the weird spy shit with her phone, the hiding talking to guys (I thought it was Matt) and acting as though we were being recorded.... for the longest time I thought she wanted me to believe we were being monitored and recorded. I thought she was gaslighting me to make me believe somebody was listening in to our conversations...
I got upset about the spying shit and literally snapped her phone in two. It caught fire instantly. I burnt and cut my hand. It was when I broke her phone In two that I realized, she was communicating with more than one person. She got sooooooo depressed with the loss of her phone. I mean she wasn’t even mad she was naturally sad and depressed as all hell. It was obvious I had taken something from her. She stopped keeping up her appearance as much. It was as if she didn’t have an audience any longer.
While working people would often take pics of me / us because We were working Petitions to legalize marijuana and people get really excited about that. For the next few months I didn’t really think anything was out of the ordinary. I thought she had been talking with her husband and she was getting acquainted with the new situation as best she could. I kept having unexplainable phone issues. But she was always there telling me I was wrong or being paranoid.
I started watching her more closely. And what I noticed and saw was very strange and unbelievable. She was constantly making hand gestures or hand signals to people who I thought were complete strangers. I came to the conclusion that she was in some kind of swinger sex club of some kind. People would approach her and it was obvious they knew each other. They were sometimes I swear either she passed somebody a note or somebody passed a note to her but I wasn’t sure. She went across the street to a publix while we were working one day. She didn’t come back for a hour saying she got lost in the parking garage.
Things got worse and worse. I kept noticing people driving by at weird times, on her google drive I found weird skins for apps so you can make Snapchat logo look like google translate or tinder look like reddit..
She left work one day and was gone for hours. It was months later I saw her google history doing translations from english to Spanish. “I miss you” and “I love you”.. but this wasn’t to Matt... around that same time she expressed an interest in learning Spanish and I often heard Spanish music playing outside our Airbnb’s.
Speaking of Airbnb’s, we moved out of my friends house because she was uncomfortable with Kathi ... now I know my roommate knew 100% what was going on which explains the whispering conversations she had with Kathi and how she knew ahead of time what was going on. When we moved out of my friends in st Pete, a day or two before was the first time I had ever been followed. They followed us leaving the house and started pointing they cell phones at us. I thought it was people that she knew. You can do things like turn your location settings on with Snapchat and Facebook. I did not know how but it was obvious I had something to do with the cell phones and it was obvious we were being followed they wanted us to know it was done very overtly.
Of course Kat told me I was crazy and she wasn’t doing anything wrong.
The whole time I kept calling my Old sponsor or one of my SS friends. I actually took their advice.
For a long time I could not figure out if Kat was doing these things because she had to or she was obligated to or if she was doing them because she wanted to. I put a key logger on my phone and caught her trying to route the phone as well as turning developer options on. I believe they may have used a Sim card hack or virtual Sim card to hack my phone because the key logger showed my Sim card being removed as well.
I was in the process of dumping her and was preparing to go to California to work. We got an a huge fight and I drove to Ocala. I know that I Should have left her. I don’t know why but I sought the advice from my old sponsor again. He gave me horrible advice but he told me what I wanted to hear I guess. I kept looking at her as a victim not as a perpetrator.
I’ve left out a bunch. I bought her an iPhone which became jailbroken. She had a virtual operating system or a partitioned HD I don’t know but she was hiding Snapchat from me, she was using Poshmark as a dating app.. she had 2-3 Facebook accounts but always only had access to one. I unlocked her account for her and a few days later I couldn’t even find with my FB account. There was always weird stuff going ok with the phones and WiFi network. We were definitely 100% being followed around in st Pete so I moved us inland for a few weeks.
During this time someone Matt and Kathi (or Mathi for short) knew and was close with killed themselves. It was Matt’s close friend and he was a conspiracy theorist who worked for the Eustis Police dept and saw how corrupt they were. He worked IT... It was shortly after I called Matt asking him about the people following us around. I told him his wife knew who they were and I think she had slept with a few of them. Matt said “Kathi would never do that” and that was it. LOL... pffft I believe their friend Troy was a targeted individual. He was a conspiracy theorist and he worked IT for the Eustis Police Department. He shot himself in the head on a park bench. A few months after his death, after seeing what it did to Kathi.. I said “I think Troy may have been in love with you” she replied “I know he was”..
Everything up to this point could be explained by various explanations/excuses like snap chat geo locating, odd behavior or paranoia on my part. But then there was the people following us around hell bent on capturing us with their cell phone cameras. I even thought it might be a game people play with each other like a game swingers play or something.
It wasn’t And it was or is.
They call it The Games or The Game.
When I took Kathi out west that’s when shit Got horrible. We were followed up to North Carolina and they continued to follow us the entire way to LasVegas. In Vegas they were everywhere. It was in Las Vegas I learned for certain of the malicious Bluetooth / WiFi attacks. It was in Las Vegas she slipped and said something about a sex ritual. It was in Las Vegas that she slept with I don’t even know who/what... but I realized she was having sex with other people and pretending to be on her period after so I wouldn’t get near her brutalized personal areas.
She routinely had a Bluetooth device inside of her. I could hear it vibrate from time to time. She had portable batteries that were actually hidden cameras. I threw them all out.
There was always Bluetooth connections happening with my phone I could see it in The bug reports. Large amounts of data would leave my phone. Turning airplane mode on and off made the phone freak out/do weird things.
I bought a hidden camera detector and actually found a fair amount of hidden cameras especially out West. Many hotels have hidden cameras in them especially in Nevada and California.
These people are spying on others using their cell phones and using technology that most people don’t have. This is neighbor spying on neighbor has been spying on Wife. They always had sandbox processes running on top of Waze GPS and my screen mirror was always coming on.
Things went on like this for some time. I don’t even know how many cell phones I went through why did it hurt I think it was around four or five of my own and she went through two or three.
All of this stuff is connected. Kathi was FB friends with some of the people in Ocala I knew from recovery. This one guy in particular I went to for help early on before I knew anything. He ignored me and did nothing to help me. He could’ve told me in five minutes what it took me a year to figure out. That I was dating a group stalking narcissistic sex addict / computer hacker secret society slave or willing participant.
There was a Device installed in our car intergraded with the gps/ LoJack. There were moments I questioned my own sanity as that’s what this was designed to do.
Group stalking is fucking real. It’s a systematic targeting that goes on in such a way to make the target look crazy. It’s systematic ritualistic like abuse. No one person does any real harm. But I’m telling you, in one day If you had 50 to 100 people purposely raise their phones to videotape you without explanation that alone would be very unnerving trust me.
You have to understand I was completely in love with this girl and I did trust her. For a long time I could not figure out if she was being made to do the things she was doing or if she was doing them willingly.
My story gets much worse and quite frankly unbelievable.
The 5-8 “friends” in Ocala (including Mike the counselor) who I loved and trusted... they all stopped talking to me at the exact same time. None of them has given me a reason they just all black balled me. I I never did anything hurtful to anybody in recovery and the way they turned their back on me really hurt like it was meant to.
It took me a longtime to figure out everybody I was working with doing petitions was SS. I was working for the head guy who oversees all of it. He treated me rather well financially speaking. I believe he is in the illuminati and everybody else running around the USA collecting signs are freemasons for the most part.
It was only just a month or two ago I saw everything if that makes sense .. i understood everything.
I feel like I was raised to be secret society fodder. Like I was raised to be a whipping post, to be used, to turn the other cheek.
I was raised Christian and I still believe in God. They do too. It’s why they spy on everybody and try to control literally everything and everybody.
In the end the message was clear. “Have you thought about joining? Have you thought about joining? Have you thought about joining?”
I’m a person of influence. I have a high IQ, I’m funny and I get Along With people when I want to. I used to have a very positive outlook but recently not so much.
I’ve left out many many details. Like an AA friend admitting to being in the SS and admitting they’ve been fucking with me... or the times I thought they were about to murder me.
It took me driving from California the whole way back to Florida with no stereo and no phone on thinking about my entire life to see the truth.
My pastor , my friends, my uncle (he admitted he works for Department of homeland security and knows what gang stalking is). I even suspect my own father was tasked with “raising a Christian family” for to balance out society the way the SS wants it. He left my mom for his side piece the moment I had moved out (he filled his obligation). My sister was still there but being adopted it probably didn’t count.
He has believed everything I’ve said and is bending over backwards to help me right now. Something he’s never done.
There is so much more like my pastor using a jailbroken iPhone.. he also told me we wouldAbsolutely get in touch with somebody from the FBI regarding what happened to me only to backtrack it later. All my Pastor has done is pacify mean and as soon as I started sniffing around the Phoenix house and started talking about psychological operations everybody wants to say I’m absolutely crazy.
I was put in some kind of mind control behavior modification program. It’s part of Michael Aquino’s mind war. He had operation Phoenix is Vietnam and he had The Phoenix Houses in the USA. They’re multi purpose facilities. After all this is a quote from the link below. :
“Phoenix House Academy was designated a “model program” by the U.S. Department of Justice.” :... say whaaaat??
Phoenix symbol is operation Phoenix is Phoenix House is Phoenixfreemasonry is NWO....
In California they committed me to a mental institution for telling them about Kathi and what she did. All I mentioned was phone hacking and group stalking. I told them I was fine and not a harm To myself or anybody else.. that’s all I said and they fucking Tranquilized me at an advent health hospital in Willits California.
When I got back to FL I tried talking to an ER nurse and an er doctor about what happened. Everything was fine until the doctor went off his shift. The next doctor immediately sent me to another mental institution , livestreams in clermont fl.
My uncle was the head anesthesiologist at Shands now he spies on fellow Americans. My uncle may be the one who put me in this program/whatever it is.
I’ve had police officers, lawyers, friends and relatives all tell me in some way shape or form they know I’m Telling the truth and there is nothing wrong with me. They are part of this SS system. It’s Definitely absolutely integrated with the US government. Just recently when I left California I had a federal agent park next to my car and book the hotel room next to mine. When I travel I always have people in the rooms next to me I believe they spy on me with listening devices and maybe a hidden camera or two.
Why am I targeted? I do not know. I do know in the last three years I have spoken with thousands upon thousands upon thousands of fellow citizens and I can safely say I am more special than almost every single one of them. I’m gifted and special and people are drawn to me when I talk. I was in the 110% Percentile growing up and I always do very well At what’s ever I put my mind to.
Why would the SS want so badly for ME to think I’m not special?? All it’s done is made me realize how absolutely amazing and gifted I am. I’ve made it through this and I figured much of it out on my own.
I love all of you even the perps who are about to leave perp-SS comments. :)
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[Table] I quit my teaching job, bought a camera, went solo to one of America's most dangerous cities, and made an award-winning documentary film about love and the opioid epidemic. AMA (pt 2/2 FINAL)

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I'm currently about 50% through a documentary I filmed on my own dime with my own gear. Now that I need to do things like motion graphics/audio mastering I'm finding I've hit a wall, and I cant afford to pay anyone to help me. How did you get over this inevitable hurdle? Its one thing to grab a camera and shoot, but the part where you need to survive to finish it is something else entirely. I hit that wall also. What I did was, I edited the first 30 mins of the film into a sort of extended sizzle. Music, basic coloring etc....just what I could do myself. I then it to people who fell in love with the project and agreed to continue on with backpay.
[deleted] Find a subject or subject matter that really interests you. Then do a little research on cameras (most iphones are now 4k) and go out and do it. It really is that easy, and can be done for almost no money.
Watch youtube tutorials, learn to edit (easier then it sounds), and go knock on some doors. You can always go back to the rat race :) DM me, I would love to keep chatting and lure someone else out of the ratrace.
How did you deal with getting it into festivals or what was your process of distribution like? That was certainly an experience. I was a first-time director and our small team was also pretty green, so we were unable to play the politics/name game. So we did blind submissions to the A/B tier ones and crossed our fingers.
Luckily we got into Slamdance and won the grand jury and it all snowballed from there. We also got a distribution deal at Slamdance.
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That’s awesome. I am currently working on my own documentary and am truly inspired. Cool! Hit me up on instagram if you have further questions about the fest scene etc.
Very inspiring! The hardest part for me is when we have to get the film out there. How did you plan for release? Thank you!
We knew we had a great film but getting it out there was really tough for us as well. We didn't really have a plan or any money, so we just blindly applied to the major fests and got lucky with Slamdance. I would NOT recommend that to any first-time filmmakers.
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Awesome! And yeah makes sense with those big fests. To follow up, do they then set you up with broadcast/streaming or is that a whole other pitch you need to make? There are a lot of details but simply, the road we went down:
Festivals, approached by sales agents at fests, get good press/screenings at fest, choose best sales agent, sales agent takes it from there.
What city was it? You somehow neglected to mention it in your blurb and I’m feeling dickish Good catch. Camden, NJ.
Im a teacher myself and am curious, did being in that profession influence/inspire your drive to make this documentary and, if so, did it aid in your ability to make such a successful documentary? Yeah, I taught adults (night class) in Barcelona and that really helped me down the line with confidence in interviews. If you believe it, they believe it.
I don't think the teaching profession lead me to doc film but teaching abroad and the travels that ensued certainly opened my eyes to other cultures and made me even more curious. And I started making travel films with one of the first go-pros, which was probably the original seed that brought me here.
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Very cool. Thank you for putting yourself on the line to help address such a serious issue. And thank you for responding. Peace and love. Thanks for stopping by and for the questions
I'm not sure if you're still answering questions but there's a film I've always wanted to make (I won't bore you with the details), but knowing how niche of an audience it would attract I have never delved in to it as I know it would be a money and time pit. But, seeing how you walked away from teaching to dive in to making your film, I'm feeling adventurous again. I'm curious though, what provisions did you have in place, if any, for if the whole thing went to shit? And while you were traveling and filming, what was something that came up that you wish you'd have planned for? I'll be watching your film this weekend, so thanks for posting! I'll be here all night, as the world burns ;) I didn't have any plan B, no. Which is why I think I was able to make the jump out of teaching. I guess I could have gone back to teaching, or writing, but I never really thought about those as options.
Something that came up while traveling and filming that I wish I planned for? Well I didn't plan for anything, so everything was a surprise. I guess I should have known how hard it would be to try to start a travel show with your (now ex) gf, with no money, or real plan. Ahh to be younger and in lust. ..
Sorry, losing my mind. Thanks for the support I hope you like the film!
Just watched the trailer and looking forward to watching the entire thing! If you're still answering questions I have a few technical questions at the tip of my brain: 1) What apertures did you find yourself shooting in a majority of the time? Especially curious about your approach to low light scenes. 2) Speaking of low-light, what was your preferred method of dealing with SLOG noise in the shadows? 3) Did you lean on the A7SII autofocus much during this shoot? Have a lovely day! The A7sii is amazing in low light and I of course tried to shoot at as low of an aperture as possible. But the majority of the time I shot at F8 and also used a great adjustable ND.
For slog noise I keep fstop as low as it goes and keep the ISO down as much as possible. I then like to add a tiny bit of external light, whether that's a door cracked or an iphone light off to the corner of the room.
I leaned on autofocus while I learned the camera, as it was one more thing to worry about when I legit had no idea how to film. You can see some focus pulls that were NOT intentional but now ppl think were an artistic choice haha. As I gained confidence, I went to manual.
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From a photographer would like to venture toward photojournalism/editorial 1. How did you build trust with the subjects? They sort of just let me in from the start (that motel scene at the beginning of the movie was my first night with "the group") They all provided me with an incredible amount of trust and eventually it was almost like they didn't even notice me sitting there with a camera after a while. I think for a city like Camden, and especially for those suffering from addiction, they feel ignored/forgotten and the camera finally gives them some agency back.
2. Did you have contacts before going on or did you just go in blind? I didn't have any contacts and went in blind.
3. What was the most difficult part throughout the whole process? I think the most difficult part was having to sit back while people destroyed their lives. Especially when that also deeply effected others, such as their children and unborn babies. Those were certainly the toughest parts to film and still stick with me today.
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I guess I have a cpl questions: 1. What got you interested in addiction itself— and filming it? Did you experiment with them at some point in your life, or had loved ones to be affected by drugs, maybe? I didn’t set out to make a story about heroin or street drugs, and in fact, it didn't start out as a story about the opioid epidemic at all, but rather the fall and fallout of a post-industrial America. I would still go so far as to say it’s more a film about love and addiction, projected onto a backdrop of a post-industrial city struggling with the current epidemic.
2. Do you have any opinions on the drug war? (do you think drugs should be decriminalized?) The drug war is a complete failure, and yes, I would push for a similar model to that which Portugal has implemented with great success. Let's see what happens in Oregon.
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Ty so much for your insight. Plan to see your film and I hope a lot of others do too! Good luck and Godspeed in life!!! Thank you! And thanks for the support.
Have you ever used Heroin/opioids? If not did you ever feel tempted while making the documentary? I never have used them, no. And never felt the urge to while filming.
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Thanks. I have difficulty watching these types of things because of past addictions. I make it through but it puts me in a difficult head space. Understood completely :)
Where can I watch in the UK? Our UK release is coming soon! Some people on this thread have had luck with VPNs.
Hey there! As someone quite familiar with Camden and just now seeing this AMA, I wanted to ask why you chose Camden specifically for this?? Also having spent the time that you did both in this city and on the issue, what are your thoughts and feelings about Camden as a city, and legalization of drugs in a broad & general sense?? Looking forward to watching! My father and his side of the family is from Camden, NJ, although they left in the 70s. They all remained in the general area and they have so many good/bad stories about Camden so it's always been a place that I've wanted to explore.
Also, I didn't have a budget and Camden was close enough where I could go make my first film without too much overhead. But once I got there, I fell in love with the place and the people.
With all your research on the opioid epidemic, did you see a lot of people who were using them for actual pain management and were successful and using responsibly? I feel like pain management patients get lumped in with heroin addicts and puts a stigma on their treatment. Do you have any thoughts on that after putting this together? Thank you. I was not aware of that aspect of the epidemic until our festival run, when it was brought up in a Q+A. However, there have been a few comments regarding it in this AMA and I'm gonna dive into it.
How many years did you teach before your realized kids aren't the future, robots are? Taught for about four years. Realized this on day one and just went along for the ride.
How'd you know lightning was gonna happen right there?! Stood out there for a while haha. It was a pretty big lightning storm and I knew it would come my way eventually.
Hello fellow Rockland native! What steps do you think we collectively as a society need to take to curb such rampant destructive drug use? Hello hello Rocklandite (is that a thing?)
It's obviously a very complicated subject with no simple outs. But briefly, I would push towards a system that focuses on rehabilitation rather than punitive measures. See Andrew Wang's proposal or the model Portugal implemented ten years ago with incredible results.
Hi, this looks amazing! Question, how long did the whole process take? From deciding you want to tackle this project until completion then submitting it into film festivals? I decided to go to Camden and left the next week. I filmed for a year straight then came back trying to work freelance/raise funds. Then I went back and forth the next few months on weekends.
Start to finish (festivals) ? 2.5 3 years. Would have been 2 or less with proper funding/crew.
I’m so excited to watch this tonight with my husband. He grew up with a lot of exposure to the hardened real world and I was incredibly sheltered. Ironically, I used to attend Junior national rowing regattas in Camden in high school, so I’m incredibly nervous to see what was just streets away from my polished times in the city. Now for my question: has your worldview shifted negatively or positively (or not at all) based on your experiences? Were you exposed to the challenges others faced or were you more sheltered as a kiddo? I was not sheltered as a kid at all and grew up in a pretty nomadic way, being exposed to many different cultures/peoples and their struggles.
So while these new experiences no longer shift my perspective all that much, I love that I work in a field that gives me the opportunity to share these stories and people with others, such as yourself and your husband.
Make sure you get back to me after the viewing with what you thought ;)
I haven't watched it, but I plan to later on. I am always curious about documentary participants. Did any of them glorify their addictions, and life obstacles, almost as if they were a celebrity due to the camera? That's a great question but I don't think our characters did that. If anything they downplayed their obstacles and struggles, probably out of shame.
Enjoy the film, would love any feedback when you're done.
Is the city really all that dangerous? When I was a kid I was told the colors gangs would drive by me but to be honest the drug dealers pretty much kept to themselves because if they didn't the cops just came in and busted everybody. No, I think it's probably overblown. The city and the people are amazing and resilient.
Wow how cool! Fellow teacher (although still teaching) here and I'm currently being tasked to put together their video production crew. Any tips for teaching video production? Any possibility of getting an interview with you? 🥳 Oh I would love to! Let's hop on a zoom with your students. Or just you haha.
Did you enroll in Teach for America or New York City Teaching Fellows Program? (I did. Thought I would quit or transfer out in under 5 years. I stayed for fifteen). No, I did a TEFL course abroad and bounced around between SE Asia and Europe. Thought I would stay 6 months. Stayed nearly 4 years.
That's pretty cool. Did you do this as a result of something else? It reminds me a bit of Chris Arnade's journey to do Dignity. It was just where I was at in my life, I needed to make the jump into something I loved or be stuck forever.
I haven't heard of Chris Arnade but will check him out!
How can I watch this in the UK? This looks like a very powerful film. We haven't released abroad as of yet, but that's coming soon. If you follow us on social we will announce when we do. OR, I've read in this thread that ppl are having luck with VPNs.
Thanks for the support!
Did you generally feel pretty safe, or no? Yes. Especially after the first few months.
Do you think you’ll ever return to teaching? I’m interested to know your thoughts on if/how you’d return to the profession. My mom wants me too that's for sure.
I absolutely loved it and would consider it down the road as a part-time gig possibly.
Any options to be able to watch in the UK? None of the links on the website work Yeah it's North American only :(
We will have our international release within the next few months. I've read that some people on here are having luck with a VPN.
Too late to the party, but what YouTubes did.you watch to "learn all things film", and what did you shoot on? I didn't have one specific channel, bounced around a lot. I can dig a little deeper to find some of my favs though.
Shot on Sony A7s.
Did you pay the people in your documentary? No.
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Are you doing anything to help support them with whatever profits you may be getting from filming them? Just makes me think of the weird confusing thin line of being potentially exploitative as a documentary filmmaker, specifically when documenting communities we aren’t directly from or familiar with. Yeah it's really tough. We supported them in other ways throughout the filming process and since. Help with rent, gas, etc. We have also helped and will continue to help all of them getting into programs if/when they are ready.
Do you have any plans for your next Documentary? Or will you try something else? I'm currently between Iraq/Syria/Turkey wrapping my next documentary about the Yazidi genocide and missing 3000 Yazidis in ISIS captivity.
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What has that experience been like? Eye opening. Wonderful. A bit scary.
I just "drove" through Camden on Streetview, and wow, you are brave! What was the most threatened you ever felt by the residents of Camden? Never! I went in there scared shitless but towards the end I was just worried about stepping in shit or onto needles. Or falling through a roof again.
The city is struggling and has been for a while. But the people are amazing and incredibly resilient.
Wow dude. Amazing. Super inspirational. What is the music/song used in the trailer? Thank you.
It's an original score by the amazing John McDowell. We are working on getting the soundtrack onto spotify.
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Brilliant. I can’t wait. It’s very beautiful. Also, when you where shooting at night how well did the Sony do? Did it need much tinkering or did it just do pretty well running on Auto? Thank you! Yeah it's great at night, but you have to play with the settings a bit. I tried to shoot night scenes with my 55mm fixed lens at 1.8 Fstop. But even with my go-to 24-70 most night scenes came out great! Especially after I learned what I was doing.
Were you wearing body armour when in Camden? I had a vest that I would wear when filming with police or swat. I wore it to certain drug houses as well to start with but ditched it a few months in.
Is there any way us fans down under can watch the film where it’s not region blocked? Our international release is coming soon! Some people on this thread have had luck with VPNs.
which camera did you buy? As7ii. Still my go-to
Was quitting your job impulsive or planned? Sort of planned. The film part was impulsive though.
which awards did you win? how long did it take for u to make this why did you pick this area, did you know about it? Slamdance Film Festival: Grand Jury Award Best Feature Documentary
2x Brooklyn Film Festival: Spirit Award, Best New Director
2x Flicker's Rhode Island International Film Festival: Best Feature Documentary, Best editor
Crossing the Screen International Film Festival: Best Feature Documentary
Atlanta DocuFest: Best Director
Stony Brook Film Festival: Spirit of Independent Filming Award
About 2.5 years start to finish. And my father was from Camden, so I was always curious.
Did you have to set boundaries with any of the addicts when it came to helping them acquire drugs? Already rented and watched on YouTube, I’m so proud of Daryl. Amazing work! Thank you for supporting and yes Daryl is an amazing human! I'll talk to him tomorrow and pass on your words :)
Hard boundary was that I would never pay for it.
Are you receiving unemployment benefits? Tough for freelancers. Tougher for freelancers who haven't had any real income while working on passion projects ;)
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What is tough is for my tax dollars to subsidize you playing around with your camcorder. Wild.
Read again. I'm not on unemployment.
Although there certainly wouldn't be anything wrong with playing with my camcorder on your tax dollar.
Most dangerous cities? Improving, possibly.
Continuously one of the country's most dangerous cities for the last few decades? Without a doubt.
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Relative to what though? Put it in perspective. Not relative to anything. Ranked, continuously, for the last few decades. Like this one (2020): https://www.americancityandcounty.com/galleries/2020s-10-most-dangerous-u-s-cities/
Or this one (2015) (https://theboxhouston.com/1935471/f-b-i-releases-new-list-of-the-most-dangerous-cities-in-america-did-your-city-make-the-list/)
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OK but compared to a city like Tiajuana Camden looks like a daycare. Sure, but I did say, "one of AMERICA'S most dangerous cities" in the blurb.
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And I’m trying to put that in perspective due to the sea of circlejerk that is Reddit. Got it. No worries ;)
Hey! I live near Camden. I worry about the title of this post and that it might permeate stereotypes for BIPOC. Are you concerned about that? Hey, thanks for the very valid question. Hope you're doing well down in/near Camden.
I don't think the title perpetuates any sort of stereotypes about Camden or BIPOC, no.
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I think it's the title of the post I'd caution you to look at and how you portray danger. Or dangerous environments. Noted. I would add though, that it IS one of America's most dangerous cities. I wasn't using hyperbole.
Fresno? Camden, NJ.
Has the success so far with this film made enough money to continue and live from? Is the future looking like more bootstrapping, or have you found sponsors or connections make enough to keep doing this? Looks like a great film. I'll have to give it a watch, and keep an eye out from the next one it sounds like you're working on. This film was used as a stepping stone into my current project, which has more support and I will actually be able to pay myself.
While filming HIGHER LOVE I had to get a part time and then full time freelance position towards the end.
I live in Camden but not in Camden. I have accounts I visit there and one thing I learned real quick is to keep your eyes low. If you accidentally pull up and see some guys hanging out in the corner, they saw you pull in and are trying to figure you out quickly. If your wondering why they’re looking at you, don’t stare at them trying to figure it out. Just continue on with what you were doing. Think about it later. Other times, I’ve had to pull over to do some work stuff real quick and turns out I parked in front of someone’s house, who doesn’t like visitors. I didn’t notice them watching me. I pulled away and this dude jumped in his car and sped after me and cut me off. Stopped me and yelled “were you writing down my cars information?!” I had to explain what I was doing and the dude said alright and left. That being said, I’ve also met some incredibly nice people day and night. They’re all trying to get by. Where you able to meet the nice side of Camden? IE the people who live there? I can’t wait to watch the shit out of this. Yes, I met many amazing people in the city. Thanks for the support! Hope you enjoy the film and that it rings true to someone from the city itself.
I know I’m late to the party but had to comment. Your trailer is amazing and I’m going to watch the whole thing this weekend. I’ve always been fascinated by abandoned places and grew up not far from Camden. I have been in NYC for over a decade now and abandoned places are not something we see here anymore but, we certainly do see abandoned people. I feel like your documentary is bringing those people to a wider audience. I feel like you give a story to people that most are comfortable labeling as junkies and moving on. There’s a person, family, and traumas when you dig deeper and that’s far harder to ignore/write off. I really loved how you value and highlight their humanity and give a voice to a largely voiceless and marginalized community. I guess that really wasn’t an AMA more of a comment so here’s my question… single/married? And... I’ll let myself out... I'm going to steal some of this for my next in person AMA if that's ok haha. Really so well put and couldn't agree more.
Single. Marriage in the future if this job allows ;)
Have you ever tried opioids or other hard drugs? What made you interested in the lifestyle to film it? I have never, no.
It wasn't the drug use or addiction that attracted me to the project, but rather the amazing characters and their stories.
Hey Hasan, I think the idea for the film is amazing. I went to college and lived in Camden, NJ for three years and so I always love seeing it represented. When I first decided on Camden, I had some preconceived notions about the city and while it is one of the most dangerous areas in the country as you mentioned, the city has a beautiful underbelly filled with history and vibrant residents that should be the key to changing the narrative. My question is what were your thoughts and biases going into the project regarding Camden, and did they change by the end and how? My biases were probably exactly same ones that the rest of the America (or those who have heard of it) hold. Hellhole, nuke it, pull themselves up by they bootstraps, etc. etc. Of course, not to this degree.
That's why I chose the opening radio Opie and Anthony montage that I did.
But that's why I wanted to go explore this city and meet these people, because I knew that I probably had it wrong and that the media had it wrong.
And I/they did have it wrong. Sure it's a city with its struggles but it's a it's a resilient city filled with amazing people. Walt Whitman, Campbells, the ship yards. Cities like Camden built America and now have just been left to rot.
Hi! Have you seen Lost Boys? documentary about Finnish opioid addicts? http://catalogue.ses.fi/movies/lost-boys/ Any toughts on that or the earlier film from the same director: reindeer spotting? Any toughts on these? Im eager to see your film as well, it's important that these documentaries are being made all around the world to spread the knowledge about this terrible disease. I have seen it. Or parts of it of both.
I will have to watch again and see what thoughts I have. But I remember being inspired by his access and raw verite style.
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Lost Boys is a lot different, more artistic and political. The message is "it's not all about the drugs" Poor boys from Rovaniemi Lapland travel to do drugs and meet up with poor girls of Laos. Some kind of love affair. And yeah, cheers from Rovaniemi. Cool I will rewatch. Cheers from Harlem, NY!
How did you get access to the subjects in the film and get them to participate? Just wondering if maybe anyone reading this (commenting late) knows how that side of things work? Unless I was being given money or drugs, not sure i'd want to be filmed at my lowest point in life. Film looks really well done! Great question. I think it is a combination of ego and truly wanting to get your story heard. With many, many other facets piled on.
Hey, thanks for being so thorough and answering so many questions for posters. What software did you use in the beginning for editing and arrangement? Did you do all of the initial stuff yourself? (Color grading, audio work, etc.) Or, did you end up working with someone else or hiring for contract work? No problem! I'm enjoying it, surprisingly :) I used final cut pro x to start and then moved to Premier Pro. I used temp music, doing basic coloring and audio tweaks myself. Once I had a 30 minute cut, I brought on a real editor, colorist, composer, audio tech, etc
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Thanks for the reply dude! Was the switch over to Premier easy/worth it for you, or would you have kept using FCPX if you had continued to do mostly solo production? So easy and so worth it. I liked FCX but everyone in the industry was using PP so I had to switch. I would advise you do likewise or workflow between parties will be tough.
How do you deal with filming conversations or scenes that are hard to witness? Any time I'm in that situation I feel somewhat guilty for filming such a tender moment even when they've agreed to be filmed on paper. It was really tough at times, but I do think the camera provides a bit of a filter. A way to remove oneself.
I do find that I am now dealing with a lot of things from my time filming there. So I guess I pushed a lot of the more traumatic aspects aside so I could finish filming.
I'm late to the show but I'm wondering how you went about getting distribution. I made a film (zero budget) that's about to be distributed on American public television. Who do I go to for the next step? TIA We went the festival route. So festivals, sales agent, distributor, VOD platforms.
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Thank you and congratulations! Can’t wait to watch it. My film is: www.findingthevirgo.com. Very cool I'll check it out!
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Any chance you can share the name of your sales agent? Sure. DM me
I just rented the film on Amazon. For a 48 hour rental it cost $4.99. How much of that rental fee will you see? Or did they pay you to put it on their site? I’d rather just send you the money directly Thanks for the support! It varies platform to platform but I would guess about 70-75 percent on average.
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Great film. Would be dope to see an update in like 5 years Thanks for watching! I agree. I can't wait to follow up with Nez especially.
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Man I hope the best for Nez. Seems like Daryl is a good father. Ps I’d love to see a newer version of Dope Sick Love (on HBO) major vibes off your film. If you haven’t seen it check it out Yeah I love that film!
Hi, I'm not able to watch the documentary in my region but are you able to explain very briefly how there can be an opioid epidemic to a non american? Getting such drugs where I live wouldn't be easy. Oh I love Germany, lived in Bremen for a bit. Follow us on social media as we will announce our international release soon. We really want to get this story out to as many people and places as possible.
There are SO many factors that go into the opioid epidemic, but doctors overprescribing pain pills to patients, who then eventually turn to the much cheaper street drugs, is probably a good place to start. Also, big Pharma in our country should be held most responsible.
This is very timely -- what's the best way to get a hold of you for someone who wants to do something very similar, but about a medical issue? Hayyyyy :) Thank you! Find me on instagram (higherlovefilm)
How did you go about distributing this film across all of the listed platforms? Amazing work. Did the film festivals help with distribution? Sorry missed a few somehow. We did well in the festivals and were approached by sales agents and disributors.
Dude, come on. It's 2021. Why region lock this when you're releasing it digitally? What do you expect to gain from that? I wish it was my choice! Trust me, we want this out as widely as possible. It's the choice of our distributor to sell different regions at different times, we had no say in the matter.
Were you ever afraid during work that something might go wrong? Get attacked or ambushed? How did you deal with it? Copied from below:
I went in there scared shitless but towards the end, I was just worried about stepping in shit or onto needles. Or falling through a roof again.
The city is struggling and has been for a while. But the people are amazing and incredibly resilient.
How close did you come to pairing the relationship of the Vietnam War to Increased Opioid Usage in America? Many of our interviewees (while we still had interviews in the film) made that connection. Specifically, the DEA head first brought it to our attention.
I am an addict and have been in recovery for 6 years. Was it shocking to see the lifestyle first hand? I would be interested to see your reaction of the film. And good on you, 6 years is incredible! Congrats.
It was at first shocking but I became numb to it after a few weeks.
Did you ever use drugs before deciding to make the film or was this your first exposure to drug use? I've done drugs recreationally before but this was my first real exposure to hardcore addiction and drug use.
I had never seen someone inject, for example. Or OD.
How with no crew did you end up filming dangerous criminals without getting into danger yourself?? We built mutual trust. They are humans just like any of us, who have just fallen on hard times.
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Yeah of course, just admire your approach to this. I've seen people struggling with drug addiction and the lengths they will go to, to get cash or their hit, is a risk to be caught up in those areas. Big kudos to you for your moral/respect. Can't wait to watch the film - waiting on UK Times..! Thank you my friend.
Did it make any money? How did you afford not having a job for the making of the film and now? It's making money now, but it's been tough, not gonna lie.
I've freelanced and had a salaried position at a big editing house off and on since.
What gear did you use for this? How did you like filming with your camera? A7sii with 24-70 Zeiss.
Rode Vid Pro+ camera top mic.
DJI Phantom 3 (till it caught on fire after crashing into a pool).
Yes, I loved filming with the A7s and use it still.
You are crazy! What were you feeling when the film was ready? Complete relief. But I didn't get to really enjoy the ride until the festival run.
did you get a cheesesteak from Donkey’s? "a" ??!?!
Looking for interns for future projects? YES.
What kind of camera did you buy? Sony a7sii
What is next on your journey? I'm currently between Syria/Iraq wrapping a film on the Yazidi genocide.
did you visit the aquarium? I haven't. Those places make me sad. Especially with the Norcross tax thievery that made that particular one happen.
Amazing! Dogs or cats? Dogs
Why not Chicago ? Camden was a short drive. Chicago was an airplane ticket ;)
But you make a good point. Camden could be any number of cities across America.
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It would be cool to do a series about it maybe one day it’ll be picked up by Netflix or discovery channel like true crimes Agreed.
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These are the 10 Best iPhone Games to Play With Your Girlfriend, wife, husband, or significant other. Fun and exciting games you can play on your iPhone or iPad while in the same room, on vacation, or even during a long-distance relationship.. Whether you’re looking for board games to play together, strategy games, Trivia, or even shooters like Fortnite, we have you both covered. Games to Play with your girlfriend, games play with your boyfriend, Hi couples, Today are you ready for having good fun with your partner, if you are ready then this post only for your fun time, first of all I want to tell you why today I am writing about games, because every day we enjoyed lot’s of fun by help of games with friends or family members, but if we share these type moments with ... The games of love — 15 co-op games to play with your partner this Valentine’s Day We pick a few games to enjoy with another, whether they're a newbie or hardcore. Dungeon Hunter 5. Dungeon Hunter 5 is one of the best multiplayer action RPG games currently available for iPhone. You’ll start off as a warrior with weak weapons and armor, but as you progress through the game, you’ll be able to unlock rare equipment and go against stronger enemies. Here are 30 of the best games to play over text, from fun texting games to play with friends to cute emoji chat games with your boyfriend or girlfriend. Touchgrind BMX 2 was selected as the top three best iPhone games of 2011. An extreme and exciting game, Touchgrind offers you the option to ride through the stunning locations around the globe. Drop, launch or take your chances through the lethal rides across those locations. These are the best iPhone games to play with your girlfriend, wife, husband, or significant other. Below is a list of fun and exciting games you can play on your iPhone or iPad whether you’re ... Simply download the best iPhone games to play with your friends that will keep you entertained for hours on end. These games were designed for times like this when you don't have any plans but ... This game is, therefore, best kept reserved for playing on special days like birthdays or Valentine’s but if you’re in a playful mood, you could opt to play the game on any day you prefer. However, make sure the treasure or the prize hidden is worth the trouble taken for both the player organizing it and the player on the hunt for it, or ... I need a game we can play together, long distance? Long-distance couple, want to play games together on iOS . Small World 2 is like the board game Risk. It is interactive and the Pass n Play function would allow you to play against each other. It is a fun and engaging game to have virtual date nights with.

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Top 10 Best Multiplayer Games On Android & iOS! 2019-2020 ...

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best iphone games to play with gf

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